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Items filtered by date: June 2024

Laser treatment for toenail fungus is an advanced method that uses focused light beams to target and eliminate fungal infections beneath the toenail. This non-invasive procedure penetrates the nail without damaging surrounding tissues, making it a preferred option for many patients. Unlike traditional treatments, such as topical creams or oral medications, laser therapy has minimal side effects and a higher success rate. The procedure is typically quick, often completed in under an hour, and requires no downtime, allowing patients to resume normal activities immediately. Multiple sessions may be needed for optimal results, depending on the severity of the infection. Laser treatment is effective for many individuals, offering a promising solution for persistent toenail fungus, especially for those who have not responded well to other treatments. Toenail fungus can be unsightly, and is treated by a podiatrist. If you have this condition, it is suggested that you consult this type of doctor who can determine if laser therapy is right for you.

Laser treatment can be an effective way to get rid of toenail fungus. If you have any questions about laser treatment, consult with one of our doctors from Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality treatment for fungal nails.

What Are Toenail Fungal Infections?

Onychomycosis, or fungal infection of the nail, is a relatively common and non-serious condition. Around 10 percent of U.S. citizens are afflicted with fungal nails. Common forms of fungus that infect the nail include dermatophytes, yeasts, and molds.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungal Infections Include:

  • Nail thickening
  • Brittleness of the nail
  • Discoloration of the nail

Diagnosis for Fungal Nails

Fungal infections are diagnosed by fungal culture and microscopy. This will rule out any other conditions such as nail trauma, psoriasis, lichen planus, and onychogryphosis.

What Is Laser Treatment?

Laser treatment is a non-invasive, safe, quick, and painless procedure that uses the heat from a laser to kill fungus in the nail. Each infected nail is targeted with a laser for several minutes. The treatment is usually utilized several different times over a select period. During this time, a podiatrist will keep an eye on the infection.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Laser Treatment for Fungal Nails
Wednesday, 19 June 2024 00:00

We Can Treat Your Foot or Ankle Pain

Foot or ankle pain can negatively affect your day-to-day life and can occur due to several different conditions. Pain can also be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition, which is why you should seek professional help as soon as you notice any abnormalities in your feet.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 00:00

Signs and Causes of Poor Circulation

Poor circulation can cause various signs and symptoms that suggest a problem with blood flow. Some of the most common symptoms include cold or numb feet and toes, which can make the feel unusually cold to the touch. You might also experience tingling or a “pins and needles” sensation. Additional symptoms of poor circulation include swelling in the lower legs and feet, as well as changes in skin color, such as turning pale or blue. Poor circulation can contribute to cramping or pain in your legs and feet, especially after physical activity. One common cause of poor circulation is atherosclerosis, where fatty deposits build up in your arteries, narrowing them and restricting blood flow. Symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue, usually while participating in physical activity. Regular check-ups and a healthy lifestyle can help manage and prevent atherosclerosis. If you notice any of these symptoms of poor circulation in the feet, it's suggested that you consult with a podiatrist to address the issue. 

Poor circulation is a serious condition and needs immediate medical attention. If you have any concerns with poor circulation in your feet contact one of our doctors of Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Poor Circulation in the Feet

Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs is can be caused by peripheral artery disease (PAD), which is the result of a buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Plaque buildup or atherosclerosis results from excess calcium and cholesterol in the bloodstream. This can restrict the amount of blood which can flow through the arteries. Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs are sometimes caused by inflammation in the blood vessels, known as vasculitis.


Lack of oxygen and oxygen from poor blood circulation restricts muscle growth and development. It can also cause:

  • Muscle pain, stiffness, or weakness   
  • Numbness or cramping in the legs 
  • Skin discoloration
  • Slower nail & hair growth
  • Erectile dysfunction

Those who have diabetes or smoke are at greatest risk for poor circulation, as are those who are over 50. If you have poor circulation in the feet and legs it may be caused by PAD and is important to make changes to your lifestyle in order to reduce risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. Exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will dramatically improve conditions.

As always, see a podiatrist as he or she will assist in finding a regimen that suits you. A podiatrist can also prescribe you any needed medication. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Poor Blood Circulation in the Feet

When it comes to running, selecting the appropriate footwear is essential for comfort, performance, and injury prevention. For long-distance running, cushioned shoes with ample support are ideal to absorb shock and reduce fatigue, enhancing endurance. Trail running demands shoes with rugged outsoles and superior traction to navigate uneven terrain and provide stability on rocky paths. If you are into sprinting or track running, lightweight shoes with minimal cushioning and a snug fit promote agility and speed. Cross-training shoes offer versatility for various activities, blending features suitable for running, jumping, and lateral movements. For those with overpronation or flat feet, motion-control shoes with reinforced arch support help correct gait imbalances and prevent injuries. Conversely, neutral shoes suit runners with normal pronation, offering balanced cushioning and support. If you have developed pain from wearing the wrong type of running shoes, it is suggested that you visit a podiatrist who can treat any foot ailment, and educate you about what type of shoes to purchase for your running style.

If you are a runner, wearing the right running shoe is essential. For more information, contact one of our doctors from Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Choosing the Right Running Shoe for Your Foot Type

To increase performance and avoid the risk of injury, it is important to choose the right running shoe based on your foot type. The general design of running shoes revolves around pronation, which is how the ankle rolls from outside to inside when the foot strikes the ground.

  • Neutral runners are able to choose from a wide variety of shoes, including minimalist shoes or even going barefoot.
  • Runners who overpronate, or experience an over-abundance of ankle rolling, should choose shoes that provide extra motion control and stability.
  • Runners who underpronate, or supinate, have feet that have high arches and lack flexibility, preventing shock absorption. They require shoes with more flexibility and cushion.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Choosing the Right Running Shoe for Your Foot Type
Tuesday, 04 June 2024 00:00

Common Foot Injuries in Soccer

Soccer players frequently encounter foot injuries due to the sport’s high physical demands. Foot blisters are common, starting as irritated skin and developing into fluid-filled bubbles from the friction inside the shoes. Ankle sprains, the most common soccer injury, occur from twisting or impact, leading to ligament stretching or tearing. Wearing tight shoes often cause toenail injuries, and can lead to blood forming under the nail, loose nails, or nails falling off. Turf toe, a painful sprain of the big toe joint, occurs from sudden jamming movements, especially on artificial turf, and necessitates rest and immobilization. Plantar fasciitis causes heel pain, resulting from inflammation of the tissue that connects the heel to the toes, and is considered an overuse injury. Achilles tendonitis affects the back of the heel and can be caused by overuse, inadequate warm-ups, or wearing improper footwear. Foot fractures and stress fractures often result from direct impacts, acute twisting, or repetitive stress during play. If you have sustained a foot or ankle injury while playing soccer, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for a diagnosis and treatment. 

Ankle and foot injuries are common among athletes and in many sports. They can be caused by several problems and may be potentially serious. If you are feeling pain or think you were injured in a sporting event or when exercising, consult with one of our doctors from Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Common Injuries

The most common injuries that occur in sporting activities include:

  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Broken Foot
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Stress Fractures
  • Turf Toe


Symptoms vary depending upon the injury and in some cases, there may be no symptoms at all. However, in most cases, some form of symptom is experienced. Pain, aching, burning, bruising, tenderness, tightness or stiffness, sensation loss, difficulty moving, and swelling are the most common symptoms.


Just as symptoms vary depending upon the injury, so do treatment options. A common treatment method is known as the RICE method. This method involves rest, applying ice, compression and elevating the afflicted foot or ankle. If the injury appears to be more serious, surgery might be required, such as arthroscopic or reconstructive surgery. Lastly, rehabilitation or therapy might be needed to gain full functionality in the afflicted area. Any discomfort experienced by an athlete must be evaluated by a licensed, reputable medical professional.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Sports Related Foot and Ankle Injuries
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